Grupo David Makes Grabando (Recording)

Grupo David came to Tesco Productions recently and in two sessions recorded twelve songs.  The four piece group traveled from Dennison, IA to lay down their instrument and vocal tracks.  Two members of the group it turns out have been here twice in the past when they were part of another group from the same town.  This time they are singing music from their church and in fact performed at a church event in Omaha during the course of working on this project.  Two mix sessions (complete with pizza delivery) rounded out their time here and then I’ve put the final work into tidying up the mixes and putting the songs through the mastering process.  We all hope and pray that the music will encourage and inspire listeners in their faith journey – both in their home town and through the concerts and events they are part of. You can see more pictures of their grabando in our photo gallery. “Gracias”.