Yearly Archives: 2012

“A View from the Porch Swing” by Carlene Crom Glides Out

Carlene Crom signs wall of fame upon completely her CD recording.
Carlene signs the Wall of Fame.

Carlene Crom has finished her latest CD A View from the Porch Swing – an acoustic compilation that includes songs begun three years ago at Tesco Productions, two other tunes, and new recordings made here the past couple of months. Most of the material is written by Carlene, and touches on life’s events, relationships, country and Creator. Also included is a heart-warming tune “Dandy Lyin’ Day” that the family of Susie Schaaf was glad to have her use. From trials, loss of all but your loved ones, or even that loss, to joy in life’s simple and grand treasures and to hope beyond – there’s a piece here that will touch your mind and soul. The release is being well received – and rightly so. You can find out more about Carlene and her music on her facebook page. Two samplers of her music are posted in our audio clips under Gospel and Americana.

Carlene Crom CD cover art
The view from the front.
Carlene Crom - CD back artwork
The view from the back.

Overcomers In Christ Celebrating 25 Years

Recently a banquet was held at Westside Church in Omaha to commemorate a major milestone in the ministry and organization of Overcomers In Christ. This outreach was begun by Bill and Mary Fear and continues under the leadership of Mary since the going home of Bill a fews years back. The focus is to provide Christ-centered resources and support groups for any controlling addiction – whatever it may be, not just chemical dependency. Churches, Jail and other Outreach Ministries utilizing these resources and God’s Spirit have moved thousands of individuals to freedom and peace over the years.
Tesco Production’s involvement with Overcomers In Christ was way back in its infancy when they were needing to first tell their story. Mary came to me and asked if I would help them develop a slide show about how Overcomers In Christ came to be. We assisted in some photography, built the soundtrack and programed the slides. The story of Russ (a young man in Bill and Mary’s life) was being told and Overcomers In Christ was getting their message out. As technology advanced the slide show was eventually converted to video. Since then they have developed many other print and media resources, including a number of Public Service Announcements Tesco Productions recorded for radio broadcast.
It was encouraging to look back and to hear current stories of changed lives and God’s provision for the ongoing work of Overcomers In Christ. Please contact them for any resources you need concerning addictive behavior or support group information.

Overcomers In Christ - Mary and Tom
Mary Fear and I prior to their 25th banquet.

Deb Erdei’s “Believe In Your Destiny” Has Made It To Release

Deb Erdei's CD Title Cover
Deb Erdei’s latest CD release.
The long-anticipated CD from Deb Erdei is officially across the finish line. Her compilation contains fourteen songs from as far back as 1993 and includes a number of new songs recorded this year. Several other musicians and singers participated as well. It’s a good listen for encouragement on a Christian’s journey to their ultimate destination. The CD is available from Deb Erdei and I would be glad to put you in touch with her. Good job Deb – we all successfully made this journey. Plan on hearing a sampler of her music here soon.
Deb Erdei's CD song list and thank you notes.
Deb’s Songlist and Notes of Appreciation.