Monthly Archives: December 2013

Community 360 Again Hosts Christmas Program

Christmas In Our Hearts was presented again this month – held this year at the Salvation Army Kroc Center.  I have had the opportunity of providing sound for this collection of Christmas songs and readings for quite a few years.  This program is made available to residents of nursing homes and extended care facilities.  Paul Falkowski, Director of Community 360 (Formerly Desert Ministries) looks forward each year to this event, which for some who attend is all the “Christmas” they’re going to get.  Community 360 recruits and trains volunteers to visit those who are often out of sight, out of touch and out of mind with nearly everyone.  There’s lots of smiles and hopefully some sustaining memories as the travel vans return the residents to their “homes” for another holiday season.

Community 360 Christmas In Our Hearts 2013
Paul and John with one small piece of Christmas In Our Hearts

My friend Allyn was there to help out again, and since he was more familiar with the house console than I was to begin with, I relied on him to set up the digital console for this event and teach me some ropes before we were up and running.  Thanks again to all the musicians, volunteers, care facilities personnel, and the KROC Center staff for making this event a memorable highlight.

Justin’s “Eyes On You” Finished

Justin Nordstrom Eyes On You CDLast month I let you know that Justin Nordstrom was working on one of his own songs on the heels of recording the Overcomers’ new theme song. Well we had a few more sessions to add additional bass and percussion parts, and then the final remixes. The piece turned out quite nicely and Justin had it replicated. This song was born out of some personal trials and hard times, and he’s giving it out as a thank you to folks and an encouragement to keep our “Eyes On You“. The song can be heard in our audio gallery. It seemed the nearest category was Gospel, so that’s where you can check it out.