Yearly Archives: 2018

Silvia Roblero’s Songs Receive Harmony Tracks

In another article posted in March I reported on Silvia Roblero’s second project being recorded at Tesco Productions. Well there was more to come, and three of those songs now have harmony parts added by two friends. Those friends happen to be sisters and in two sessions we laid down additional parts on three of her songs. One of those is a medley of several older hymn arrangements so there were more than three songs actually. Those parts were a nice enhancement and will make an even greater listening experience. The files were sent to her producer who does the final mixing and steps to release.

Stephanie Wilcox Rounds Out Song List To An Even Dozen

Last month I posted an article about Stephanie Wilcox recording several songs – most of them to keyboard accompaniment, and now the recording is complete. Stephanie came by with their church worship leader who accompanied her on acoustic guitar to put down the final song. It’s a nice addition both musically and for its lyrics. When we get the mixing, final touch-ups and minor mastering done we’ll all be able to get the CDs made and to those waiting to hear. Stephanie has licensed the songs requiring it through Easy Song Listening. This company makes the process very easy and affordable, and they quite often run specials that make the cost even lower. I know Stephanie is looking forward to having this music release out as well.

Silvia Roblero Again In Tesco Productions

Silvia Roblero records vocals at Tesco ProductionsThis month a client who had been to Tesco Productions a few years back called and scheduled a session to record several more Spanish songs. She was singing to tracks created by a friend/producer in South America. The songs were a collection of hymn and gospel arrangements and the finished vocal tracks were sent to her producer for the mixing and mastering processes. It was great to have Silvia come by again and hear some old favorites. Even though I couldn’t sing along with the lyrics, the universal language of music still communicated the meaning and message.Silvia Roblero feeling the words