Next Chapter Unfolding for One For All Musical Theater

This month Kim Moore began laying out the vision for the next chapter of the newly-formed One For All Musical Theater. In March and April we reported on the production and performance of Cinderella. It was all a job well done and the next phase is in its beginning stages. Kim feels called to produce the soundtrack for the musical drama and make it available to other amateur theaters around the country. So keyboard parts are being performed by Kim, arrangements have been made for Tim Tyler to add orchestration, and drums have been recorded for three songs. The drummer, Nick Swoboda is part of a long musical history family in Omaha, with a music store and performers in various capacities.

Nick Swoboda adds drum for theatre tracks.
Nick Swoboda

This brings up a future event – next Spring’s performance of Esther. Two of the songs already begun are for the pre-show of this engagement. I’ll keep you posted as we progress, and if next year’s show keeps up the momentum (which I’m sure it will), it promises to be a great one.